Convention videos

We make videos here at ankerd about anime conventions in the Netherlands. We don't really make random vlogs, just some goofy videos about conventions.

"I simply enjoy the whole process of making a video, from filming to editing. It's a creative outlet for me of some sorts. I'm not aiming for a video that is professionally filmed & edited or anything like that. So please don't take it too seriously." - gavin132_

Our favourite video so far
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Ankerd was founded by gavin132_ back in December of 2021. He actually just wanted a proper domain name so he could make websites, it quickly grew however to a pretty sizeable community. Then again, this website is still just one giant hobby project hosted and maintained by @gavin132_.

"I don't really know what to do with this website, for now I have my "portfolio" on here (only contains things that I'm sort of proud of). I also have a few teeny tiny articles littered across this site dating back to my high school days. Keep in mind that site will change a whole bunch during its development. This project will (probably) never be over." - gavin132_

The team

We're basically a bunch of morons making videos at conventions. 99% of the people in our videos have some kind of connection to the ankerd group. The only place where you'll find strangers is in the photo collage at the end of every video.

If you ever come across one of us don't be afraid to say hi. (say hi with caution, pay attention to your surroundings) please don't take this nor us seriously.

Picture of a few members of ankerd
A few members of ankerd
ankerd channel

You can find all of our convention videos here

gavin132's channel